Marton Village Hall

Marton Village Hall
PLANNING REFERENCE - 23/04970/FUL& 23/04971/LBC
DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED - Installation of PV Solar Panels on shed and mounting of Electric Vehicle Charge point on building
1) The solar panels are to be installed on either one or both sides of the roof of the shed as shown in Drawing GKS_003 The Panels would be 4 per side, all black, e.g. type Jinco NEO N-type 54HL4R-B 430Watt, size 1.76x1.13m or equivalent. They would be used in conjunction with an inverter and battery to be installed in the shed, and use existing underground cabling to the house. Mr Crook of Shropshire Council Historic Environment Team has advised that provided they fit closely to the roof, and are matte black finish), it is unlikely they would object to a planning application (email. 4/9/2023, Ref UM310823:6f156). The planned panels and mounting would meet those requirements.
2) The EV charge point is proposed to be mounted low on the side wall of the house. Having seen details of the propsed location Mr Crook gave the opinion: "I think this is fine if it is set low as discussed and is plain black in colour (or a suitably recessive colour). Email 9/11/2023. Ref UM310823:6f156" The proposed arrangement would meet those requirements.
LOCATION: - Yew Tree Cottage, Marton, Welshpool, Shropshire, SY21 8JT.
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