Discharge of Conditions 6 (Works Within 250m of Pond) and 9 (EPS Licence) on Planning Permissions 14/02402/FUL and 14/02403/LBC for the conversion of former hospital building(s) and outbuildings into 158 apartments and houses to include some demolition; formation of parking areas, courtyards and community gardens; erection of 78 dwellings with associated garages and parking; provision of new vehicular access and alterations to existing vehicular access; provision of new bowling green, associated works and conversion of Estates Building to pavilion; to include the felling of some trees (Amended description following submission of amended plans on the 18th December 2014), and Works to Listed Buildings to facilitate the conversion of hospital building(s) and outbuildings into 158 apartments and houses to include some demolition; erection of 78 dwellings within grounds of Listed Building and associated works