19/01625/FUL |
12th April 2019 |
Erection of a single storey rear extension |
Pending Consideration |
19/01703/TCA |
12th April 2019 |
Fell 1no Willow & 1no Ash and crown reduce by 1.5-2m 1no Weeping Willow and... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01679/DIS |
11th April 2019 |
Discharge of condition 3 (New Access Details) attached to planning permission... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01653/DIS |
10th April 2019 |
Discharge of condition 3 (Signage) attached to planning permission 19/00174/COU... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01636/FUL |
10th April 2019 |
Conversion of the first, second and third floors to create 3no flats |
Pending Consideration |
19/01640/FUL |
10th April 2019 |
Erection of a two storey side extension, roofworks and demolition of existing... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01647/FUL |
10th April 2019 |
Erection of garage and glazed link extensions, roof alterations, metal cladding... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01637/LBC |
10th April 2019 |
Conversion of the first, second and third floors to create 3no flats affecting... |
Pending Consideration |
19/01659/FUL |
10th April 2019 |
Erection of single storey extension |
Pending Consideration |
19/01575/DIS |
9th April 2019 |
Discharge of Condition 4 (External Appearance Details) on Planning Permission... |
Pending Consideration |